Entertainment Celebrities

Entertainment Artists
Since you are a celebrity, you deserve only the finest when it comes to being represented in selling or buying your investment or home properties. Your lifestyle can be unpredictable and demanding at times, and your need for a dependable professional to help direct you through the real estate market is of the utmost importance. We at Peters & Associates, Inc. want to negotiate on your behalf & give you the most experienced and results-driven representation.

Knowing how to effectively market & sell multi-million dollar super-luxury properties is a skill that we have perfected over time. Our national & international affiliations help us in supporting our celebrity clientele with their buying & selling needs. Our team recognized the value of the discreet needs of our clients with celebrity status. We know the value of your privacy, and want to keep it that way. You have worked diligently to achieve your level of achievement & success, and should have power over how private or public you want your contract to be.

Whether your status is an actress or actor, music star from any genre, rock star, fashion model, professional athlete, or any other type of celebrity or entertainer, the experts at Peters & Associates, Inc. are ready to service all your distinct and unique real estate desires. Whether you are in search of buying or selling a European palace, vacation home, luxury high-rise condominium, or an exclusive property in any of the luxury private communities and restricted enclaves around Charlotte, we are your luxury real estate experts.

There is no need to look any further. We at Peters & Associates, Inc. located in Charlotte, NC, are your number one provider of the finest real estate services available. Contact us today to enjoy a desirably different experience, and to find out about how we can assist and guide you with your special real estate needs.

Real Estate Agent to Entertainers

Real Estate Agent to Athletes